After talks at Downing Street what happens next for DUP and PM?

Deal or no deal? - the next few days will decide

Time called on deal - DUP arrive at No 10
Published 14th Jun 2017

As Theresa May prepares to finalise what would be a history-making deal with the DUP, Downtown & Cool FM’s Political Correspondent JORDAN MOATES who spent yesterday at No 10, looks at the potential fall-out from any agreement

Undoubtedly, there has been a lot of criticism about a deal and yesterday former tory Prime Minister John Major was the latest high profile figure to raise concerns

That meant Theresa May was forced to defend her position during a visit to France.

She said: “We as a Government remain absolutely steadfast in our commitment to the Belfast Agreement and the subsequent agreements.

“We continue to work with all of the parties in Northern Ireland and with the Government of the Republic of Ireland in ensuring that we can continue and that we can put in place those measures that are necessary.”

So where are we with this agreement, then?

We are told progress is being made,

Depending on whom you speak to, there could be a deal today or it could be as far away as the weekend.

Sinn Fein’s Chris Hazzard wants there to be transparency from the DUP about whatever their reward is for propping up the government

He told me in London: “Tory Government, Tory policies have not been good for our people our public services in the north of Ireland over the last number of years.

“So it is a word of caution to the DUP that this is simply not the right way to go especially if it done in backrooms and backroom deals are not the way forward when it comes to this and we need to see full transparency around what is being discussed.”

It is worth pointing out that while the focus will be on London this week the clock is still ticking on the talks at Stormont