Survey lays bare mood of NI during covid pandemic

Mood of NI survey
Author: Nigel GouldPublished 15th Dec 2020
Last updated 16th Dec 2020

People in Northern Ireland are experiencing extremely high levels of concern and frustration as the covid pandemic continues, a new survey reveals today (Tuesday)

A total of 92% expressed some concern while more than half (56%) said they were very concerned compared to just 6% who were “very optimistic” about the future.

In addition, 69% are feeling frustrated with the continually changing lockdown rules.

Bauer NI survey

The research, was commissioned by Bauer NI which includes Downtown Radio, Cool FM and Downtown Country stations, and it explored current attitudes, behaviours and moods during what has been an unprecedented year.

Topics include new work rules, holidaying, fears around schooling, mental health, well-being and coping mechanisms.

Frustration (60%), anxiety (58%) and stress (52%) were the top three emotions experienced by the respondents, with only 35% feeling optimistic about the future.

Holidays and plans for travel were a major cause of concern with 50% worried about travelling to Europe or beyond.

The ‘Return to Work/Working from Home’ issue was more balanced with 30% stating they felt positive about reverting to the office - claiming boredom, lack of social interaction and feeling safe in work as the driving factors. However, 23% were negative about the prospect, with 1/3rd claiming to enjoy the flexibility of working from home. A further 15% remained neutral.

When it comes to wellbeing and coping mechanisms, family contact (50%), getting outside (45%) and physical activity (38%) were what most turned to, with 42% claiming household chores proved beneficial, while 30% turned to unhealthy eating as a source of solace.

However ‘Kindness in a Pandemic’ was a gamechanger for many with 80% saying they had received an act of kindness and 91% agreeing that they appreciated the small things - such aa a smile, a welcoming gesture or help with shopping.

One in every three people surveyed also said they talked to their neighbours more regularly.

David Tighe, Managing Director of Bauer Media NI commented:

“The research has shown there is obvious disparity between those who are coping and those who aren’t.

“It is also clear that media - local radio in particular (43%) - plays a crucial role in lifting mood during the pandemic, providing a strong, authentic voice which is trusted and valued by society.

“Our teams have been working around the clock to ensure Cool FM, Downtown and Downtown Country continue to bring people together, provide companionship in times of loneliness, information in times of confusion and levity in times of angst.”