Stormont parties working on wording of motion for recall

A lack of a functioning Executive at Stormont is being partially blamed for potential Civil Service strike action.
Author: Chris BrennanPublished 25th Oct 2022

Several Stormont parties are working to agree the wording of a motion to recall the Assembly as the deadline for calling a new election approaches.

The legislature has been recalled a number of times during the current powersharing impasse to allow debates on the political situation.

The DUP is currently blocking the formation of a powersharing executive and preventing the Assembly sitting for normal business, as part of its protest over the Northern Ireland Protocol. If a new administration is not in place by Friday, the UK Government assumes a legal responsibility to call a new Assembly election.

A successful recall petition requires the signatures of 30 MLAs. It is up to speaker Alex Maskey to decide when a recall sitting would take place, but it could potentially happen on Thursday.

Sinn Fein's vice president Michelle O'Neill tweeted on Tuesday morning: "Sinn Fein is working together with other parties to recall the Assembly, as we work to form an Executive & support people through rising living costs.

"Now more than ever, we need all parties working together & prioritising supporting people.

"The denial of democracy must end now."