Stephen Martin appointed as new PSNI Deputy Chief Constable

The current Assistant Chief Constable speaks EXCLUSIVELY to our Special Correspondent Damien Edgar about the appointment.

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Author: Damien EdgarPublished 25th Jul 2018

The role has been vacant since it was announced last month Drew Harris would leave to become Garda Commissioner in Dublin and its now been filled.

DCC Martin told us "The Chief Constable is making a temporary appointment to the position of Deputy Chief Constable, and that's myself. And I take over that role on the 11th of August."

With over 30 years experience, the move is not entirely unexpected.

Those decades of service cover previous roles including leading police policy on Firearms and Public Order, as well as being Chief Superintendent and District Commander for the North West.

His appointment is temporary, as without Stormont, the Policing Board can’t fully carry out its role and appoint senior police officers full-time.

The new Deputy Chief Constable says he sees his new role as very much supporting Chief Constable George Hamilton:

"To take ownership within the organisation around issues of money, people and resource and to be heavily involved on a daily basis.

"The internal governance of performance right across the entire organisation."

The Secretary of State, Karen Bradley, is planning to push through legislation in the autumn to give the Policing Board back its full appointment powers.

We asked DCC Martin would he be interested in the role full time?

"Obviously when that's advertised I will consider my position at that time.

"I've been a police officer for over 32 years. I really enjoy my job. I'm committed to policing. It's a wonderful opportunity to intervene in people's lives when they are at their most vulnerable.

"And when the Policing Board advertise - I'll have a look at it."

The PSNI has acted to appoint an officer with a wealth of experience at a time when it's facing extreme budget pressures, Brexit uncertainties and various forms of paramilitary and criminal activity.

Whether it becomes a long term appointment, as DCC Martin says, we’ll have to wait and see.