Sinn Fein pushes for special EU status after Brexit.

Senior representatives were in Wales for a meeting with the Prime Minister and other representatives from the devolved regions.

Published 30th Jan 2017
Last updated 31st Jan 2017

Sinn Fein has pressed the Prime Minister for Northern Ireland to be given Special Status within the EU after Brexit.

Politicians from the devolved governments were in Wales for a Joint Ministerial Council meeting to discuss leaving the EU.

Speaking from Cardiff, following the meeting Michelle O’Neill said,

"The current crisis in the institutions arises, in part, from the approach of a Tory Government that has refused to honour the agreements, imposed harsh austerity cuts and is now hell bent on dragging the North out of the EU as part of Brexit.

"Brexit will be a disaster for the economy north and south. It will introduce a European Frontier across Ireland and fundamentally undermine the agreements and all Ireland Institutions.

"It should be remembered that in every election in north the people have rejected the Tory government and their policies. In the referendum, the majority of people opposed Brexit and voted to remain.

"I told Prime Minister May that the government at Westminster should respect the vote of the people in the north and that we should be designated special status within the EU. I will also be raising this issue with a Taoiseach and with EU political leaders.

"I reminded Theresa May of her governments responsibility to play a full role in resolving the legacy of the conflict including implementing agreements to support all victims equally.

"It is regrettable that the DUP continue to stand with the Tory Party on Brexit against the democratically expressed wishes of the cross-community majority in the North who voted to remain and against the best interest of our economy, public services and power sharing institutions

Sinn Fein also questioned the role DUP Leader and former First Minsiter Arlene Foster would be playing at the meeting.

John O’Dowd said “Arlene Foster is no longer the First Minister.

“She is in denial about her responsibility for the disasters around RHI, is in denial about her position as former First Minister and living in denial about the damage that Brexit will do to our economy.

“Arlene Foster prefers to stand with the Tory party that has cut the health service and imposes Brexit on our economy than stand with the majority of people who rejected the Tory party and their Brexit policy.”

Responding to the comments a DUP Spokesperson said, "We understand that Sinn Fein don't take up their seats in Parliament but they should be aware of the provisions of Section 16B of the Northern Ireland Act.”

“If John O'Dowd were a Minister then he could consult the Attorney General in relation to the legal position. This option is certainly open to his colleagues.”

“As Sinn Fein continue to threaten the people of Northern Ireland with Direct Rule, it's hard to take seriously any criticism of the Conservative Party which, on the basis of Sinn Fein's present position will be taking all decisions in relation to Northern Ireland very soon."