Scientists reminding young people to stay safe until fully vaccinated

Virologist urges caution on day two of restrictions easing

Author: Tara MclaughlinPublished 24th May 2021

A top scientist at Queens University Belfast is urging younger people to make sure they get both doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, to help protect against the Indian variant.

Dr Ultan Power, a Professor of Molecular Biology at Queens University Belfast, says while restrictions easing are a huge step in the Covid-19 fightback, we must remember the key public health messages.

Northern Ireland saw major easing of lockdown restrictions on Monday with household visits resuming and indoor hospitality and hotels reopening, to name a few.

It came with a reminder from Health Minister Robin Swann:

"The Covid-19 threat has certainly not disappeared as the emergence of the latest variant of concern underlines.

"However, there are many steps we can each take to protect ourselves and protect others and that includes getting your first and second vaccine doses when your turn comes."

And Professor Power echoed the Minister's comments, he said we must ensure we get both jabs:

"The circulations of the Indian variant are generally in the members of the population in particular young people that are not vaccinated yet or have only received one vaccine.

"So most of the transmission is happening in people who are not fully vaccinated."