Salon owner and bride-to-be 'devastated' by new restrictions

County Down woman forced to shut business and postpone wedding

Author: Tara MclaughlinPublished 15th Oct 2020
Last updated 16th Oct 2020

A County Down entrepreneur and bride-to-be says the circuit breaker coronavirus restrictions have had a 'soul-destroying' impact on her life.

28-year-old Katy Steele owns Purple Lashes Beauty in Newtownards and was due to get married in just a few weeks time.

The Executive announced new measures on Wednesday, as part of plans to try and stop the rapid spread of Covid-19 in the community.

Pubs and restaurants will close for four weeks, with the exception of takeaways and deliveries, while schools will close on Monday for two weeks, one of which will cover the half-term break.

Under the new restrictions, retail outlets will remain open, as well as gyms for individual training.

Close contact services, such as hairdressers and beauticians, must stop.

Katy told Downtown Cool FM the announcement has taken its toll:

"It's just so soul-destroying, this is our dream, this is our passion and it just feels like it's all being taken away from us.

"As it stands at the minute...I'm so panicked, it's not only my mouth I have to feed it's the girls and they're my number one priority.

"I'm absolutely petrified...we hope that it's only a month, it's just so scary."

She added: "We have such amazing clients which I would love to say thank you to and I know that they're so eager to get back but it's the uncertainty of how and if and when."

The Executive has advised people to work from home unless unable to do so, and are urged not to take unnecessary journeys.

Churches will also remain open.

It is understood a 25-person limit will be placed on funerals and weddings, but wedding receptions are prohibited.

Katy said she has been given a new date for her wedding in December but is not confident that it will go ahead either:

"It was a terrible day, I found I had to shut my business which is my baby and then my wedding that we had been so looking forward to had to be postponed due to the four-week breaker so it was not a good day and I think it's just an awful lot on people's shoulders.

"My fiancé is absolutely devastated, the both of us were sitting last night going: 'I've no income now for four weeks, I've the worry of my team that I love, their mouths to feed, our mouths to feed, the wedding, letting all our guests down as well.'

"I'm so hopeful that we can go for the new date but again it's still so up in the air and I feel for the venue too, the hassle they have."

Off licences will be required to shut at 8pm while childcare facilities and creches will remain open.

Indoor sporting activities are not allowed and outdoor contact sports will be limited to elite athletes.

Services that deliver health interventions and therapeutics will be allowed to continue.

The measures come into force at 6pm on Friday.