Retail NI urges public to support independent businesses this summer

With below average temperatures during what should be our sunny season, we may see less footfall in our towns and city centres.

With below average temperatures during what should be our sunny season, we may see less footfall in our towns and city centres
Author: Emily BrownPublished 29th Jul 2024

The summer weather we expect to see at this time of year is yet to arrive in Northern Ireland.

With below average temperatures during what should be our sunny season, we may see less footfall in our towns and city centres

Most of June and July has been dominated by dull, cloudy skies with rainy spells.

If people are hesitant to leave the house due to the bad weather, independent businesses could see a fall in trade.

Chief Executive of Retail NI, Glyn Roberts, spoke to CoolFM/Downtown exclusively, emphasising the importance supporting local businesses:

“The sun is always good for sales, it's good for footfall, obviously not just for retail but for hospitality sectors as well. We have had a particularly bad spell of weather this year."

"Summer is always an important time for retail, whether it's BBQ's, ice-cream, buying clothes for holiday... and the weather is a factor in this."

"Whilst yes this has been a pretty lousy summer, I think our members are resilient, they’ll work their way through it”.

Despite the bad weather Northern Ireland is experiencing, Mr Roberts said it is not the biggest problem when it comes to making a business thrive.

Another challenge currently facing independent businesses is that rates here are higher than UK counterparts:

“We still have a cost of not just living, but a cost of doing-business crisis as well so there are significant challenges. There are pressures on our high street and on our retail sector”.

He urged the public to support their local establishments:

“70p in every pound you spend with an independent retailer, that’s recycled around the rest of the economy”.

“It is important that people do make that special effort to support independent retailers at this time of year”.