RCN calls for safe staffing legislation in NI

The calls come 12 months after thousands of nursing staff in NI joined picket lines to demand action on unsafe staffing levels and unfair pay.

Royal College of Nursing Northern Ireland director Pat Cullen (left) with Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children ward sister Ann McDonald on the picket line with nurses and supporters at Belfast's Royal Victoria Hospital.
Author: Chelsie KealeyPublished 18th Dec 2020
Last updated 18th Dec 2020

The Royal Collage of Nursing has called for safe staffing legislation to be introduced in Northern Ireland one year on since nurses took to picket lines to demand a pay rise.

The strikes took place against a backdrop of almost 2,800 vacant nursing posts within Health and Social Care (HSC) services.

At that time nursing pay had fallen by 15% in real terms and nursing staff here were the lowest paid in the UK.

Since the strike – the first in the RCN’s 104-year history – pay has increased and the number of nursing students has risen, but legislation ensuring safe staffing levels is yet to progress.

RCN NI Director Pat Cullen said: “Our members, who took this historic action last year, were left with little choice.

“While we have seen the commitment to increased numbers of pre-registration nursing students being fulfilled, we have yet to see meaningful progress in relation to safe nurse staffing legislation.

“This was a key point of the agreement that led nursing staff to suspend strike action and cannot be compromised on.”

Ms Cullen said this year has been like no other, but many of the pressures that already existed for nursing staff in has been highlighted throughout the pandemic.

She added: “It is not just the case that we have struggled because of the impact of COVID-19.

“Because we started out in a worse position, it has made it even more difficult to deal with.

“We need to do something drastic to keep our experienced nursing staff in the profession and make people want to join.

“This will only be achieved if we manage to get a fair pay deal for nursing. Right across the UK, we’re seeing nursing staff burnt out and leaving.

“If the pandemic has shown us one thing, it’s that this needs to change.”