Raab resigns after May's draft deal

Brexit secretary says he could not support it because what was being proposed for Northern Ireland was a threat to UK integrity

Dominic Raab
Author: Nigel GouldPublished 15th Nov 2018

Dominic Raab has resigned as Brexit Secretary.

He said he could not support Theresa May's proposed deal.

One of his reasons is that he thinks the plans for Northern Ireland represent a very real threat to the integrity of the UK.

Mr Raab told the Prime Minister she needed someone in the role who can make the case for her plan with conviction - and he could not do that.

In a letter to her he said: “For my part, I cannot support the proposed deal for two reasons. First I believe that the regulatory regime proposed for Northern Ireland presents a very real threat to the integrity of the United Kingdom.

“Second, I cannot support an indefinite backstop arrangement, where the EU holds a veto over our ability to exit.”

Earlier, Junior Northern Ireland Minister Shailesh Vara became the first to resign as a result of the draft agreement.