PM visits local farming family on Brexit whirlwind tour

This day next year will be the day the UK leaves the European Union.

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Author: Naomi HollandPublished 29th Mar 2018
Last updated 29th Mar 2018

The Prime Minister demonstrated her commitment to Northern Ireland’s farming industry in a visit to meet local farmers in Bangor today and to hear their views on what Brexit means to them.

She had lunch of local Northern Ireland produce at Fairview Farm hosted by the Jackson family and representatives of the Ulster Farmers Union, where she shared her determination to secure a deal that would benefit the whole of the UK.

Her visit was part of a day-long tour across the United Kingdom to mark exactly one year from the UK’s historic exit from the European Union.

With one year to go until Brexit, Theresa May is mounting a whirlwind tour of the four nations of the United Kingdom with a promise to keep the country "strong and united''.

Prime Minister Theresa May said:

“Northern Ireland and the farming industry are integral parts of the United Kingdom’s history, culture and, importantly, our future – which is why I’m here today to speak to farmers and hear their views.

“My mission is to deliver a Brexit deal that strengthens the bonds between us and ensures our industries and nations prosper as we forge a new role for ourselves in the world

“Today, I want to hear from people in Northern Ireland about what our exit from the EU means to them. As there is no Executive in place in Northern Ireland, it is even more important that the views of people and businesses here continue to be heard. We remain absolutely committed to restoring a devolved government to Northern Ireland and will continue to work with the parties to achieve this.

“I also want to reassure the people of Northern Ireland about my commitment to avoid a hard border and protect the Belfast Agreement. The border is used daily for travel and trade, but it also forms a hugely important part of British and Irish identities, rooted in generations of family history – and this is something that needs to be protected.”

Agriculture is one of the most significant industries in Northern Ireland, employing around 48,000 people to work on over 25,000 farms, creating produce which is renowned in quality at home and abroad.

Fairview Farm is comprised of a 300 cow dairy unit and covers 132 acres of grassland

The PM's bid to heal divisions caused by the 2016 EU referendum comes as polls suggest voters are still split down the middle over whether or not the UK should leave.

As the final year countdown began, she was buoyed by the EU's approval for a 21-month transition period after the official date of Brexit on March 29 2019 to allow the UK to prepare for its new relationship with Europe.

But tough negotiations on the nature of the future relationship lie ahead over the months before a planned agreement in the autumn.

And the UK Government is facing stiff resistance from Edinburgh and Cardiff to plans to repatriate some powers from Brussels to London, rather than the devolved administrations.

Speaking before her trip, Mrs May said: I am determined that our future will be a bright one. It's a future in which we trade freely with friends and partners across Europe and beyond.

"Having regained control of our laws, our borders and our money, and seized the opportunities provided by Brexit, the UK will thrive as a strong and united country that works for everyone, no matter whether you voted Leave or Remain.''

Mrs May insisted that each of the devolved administrations will see "an increase in their decision-making powers'' as a result of the return of responsibilities currently exercised by the EU.

Her Government remains "absolutely committed'' to the devolution settlements, she said.

And she restated her rejection of EU proposals which would effectively create an administrative border down the Irish Sea by keeping Northern Ireland in the Customs Union.

"As the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, I have an absolute responsibility to protect the integrity of the United Kingdom as a whole,'' she said.

"That means ensuring that no new barriers are created within our common domestic market and that the UK is able to meet its international obligations in the future.

"No Prime Minister could leave these things to chance, because they are absolutely crucial to our success as a country in the future.''

Mrs May said the Union delivered "enormous benefits'' to all four nations of the UK.

And she declared: "I am determined that as we leave the EU, and in the years ahead, we will strengthen the bonds that unite us, because ours is the world's most successful union.

"The UK contains four proud and historic nations, but together we amount to so much more than the sum of our parts and our Union is an enormous force for good.''

But the news has not been universally welcomed.

Michael Russell, Scottish Minister for UK Negotiations on Scotland's Place in Europe, said: "By pursuing a disastrous hard Brexit, regardless of the cost to jobs and living standards, Theresa May and the Tories have shown they think they can now do anything to Scotland and get away with it.

"Instead of treating Scotland as an equal partner, the UK Government wants to conduct a power grab on the Scottish Parliament, which is being strongly resisted by every party apart from the Tories."