NI health worker strikes: thousands to walk out in joint union action

health workers strike outside Craigavon Area Hospital
Author: Nigel GouldPublished 26th Jan 2023
Last updated 26th Jan 2023

Thousands of healthcare staff across Northern Ireland were taking part today (Thursday) in strike action.

Nurses, support workers and ambulance staff including paramedics were among those on picket lines outside major hospitals and health service facilities from midnight.

It is a joint action between the unions Nipsa, Unison, Unite and the GMB with an estimated 25,000 workers taking part.

The 24-hour stoppage will be the latest full day of action taken by health sector unions as they press for safe staffing, better pay and improved mileage allowances.

There was previous strike action on December 12.

The Royal College of Nursing also took part in strike action over pay and safe staffing levels in December.

health care workers strike outside Altnagelvin Hospital

Anne Speed, of Unison, said in the absence of talks, workers are "stepping out and stepping up".

"It is an appalling situation when trade unions willing to negotiate have all doors closed to them. It is therefore inevitable that this action today is happening," she said.

"Health workers cannot stand idly by or stay silent. And why should they?"

Ms Speed also lambasted Secretary of State Chris Heaton-Harris, who is currently on a trip to the United States aimed at encouraging trade opportunities.

The Stormont Assembly remains in flux with no ministers in post.

Ms Speed said Mr Heaton-Harris has responsibilities in Northern Ireland.

"It is time he included in his priorities addressing the crisis in our health service. Staff recruitment and retention and pay justice are every bit as important as trade," she said.

"Our members also expect a joint effort from all political parties to break this logjam."

In a statement, the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service said it has engaged with trade union representatives to identify services and roles that will be exempt from strike action to ensure that a response continues to the most clinically urgent patients.

However, NIAS said it anticipates challenges throughout Thursday and that it plans to maintain the safety of those patients whose need is greatest.

It has urged the public to only call for an ambulance on Thursday in life-threatening emergencies such as cardiac arrest, loss of consciousness, breathing difficulties, severe bleeding and others.

"Callers should not hesitate to call 999 in the case of serious illness or injury, but other callers should consider other options including self-care, seeking GP or pharmacy advice or presenting themselves to Emergency Departments," the service said.

The spokesman added: "NIAS respects the right of our staff who are union members to participate in industrial action.

"This action is being taken in relation to the national issues of pay and conditions and is a matter for the Government and trade unions."

Meanwhile, in a statement, the Department of Health said it fully understood "the frustration and deep concern of staff across health and social care, who have worked in extremely challenging circumstances over the last three years and continue to do so."

"The industrial dispute is a national dispute which is only resolvable at national level. Northern Ireland has a policy of pay parity with England HSC workers covered by the Agenda for Change framework," the statement added.

"The Department of Health remains extremely concerned at the scale of the current pressures on health and social care services – and the impact this is having on patients, service users, carers and staff.

"The challenges being faced here are mirrored in neighbouring jurisdictions. It is the reality that there are no quick or simple solutions."