NI health strikes suspended

RCN and UNISON pay tribute to members

Author: Nigel GouldPublished 16th Jan 2020

Nurses and health workers’ unions today (Thursday) called off next week’s planned strike action across Northern Ireland.

It follows discussions with the Department of Health and new Health Minister Robin Swann over pay parity and safe staffing.

Both UNISON and the Royal College of Nursing will now consult with their members.

UNISON Head of Bargaining Anne Speed, the lead Trade Union negotiator said:

“We are now balloting our membership with a recommendation to accept. Our industrial action is suspended for the duration of the ballot.”


And Patricia McKeown, Regional Secretary added:

“While we are heartened that our new health Minister and the Executive have kept their word, there are two groups in this society that really deserve the credit for getting us close to the resolution of this dispute. Our members have shown incredible determination and compassion and the public have been unswerving in their support.

“Over the past seven weeks our 26,000 members in the health service have each played a crucial role in the action. Thousands of them have also taken direct strike action at great personal cost.

“Their action has not been easy. No one simply walked away and closed the doors behind them. Instead they have spent weeks engaging with their employers on the detailed work of ensuring emergency cover and protection for the most vulnerable patients.”

RCN Director Pat Cullen said she had advised the five health and social care trusts that strike action planned for next week will no longer take place.

She said: "This has been a long and difficult road for nurses in Northern Ireland but following the unprecedented decision to take strike action, our members finally have something concrete to consider in relation to both the restoration of pay parity and safe staffing. The progress this week is testament to having political leadership in place following three years of standing still.

“On behalf of our members, we would like to thank Health Minister Robin Swann MLA for taking seriously the concerns of nursing staff and for having the willingness to listen and take meaningful action in a short space of time. We know this action was also backed by our First and Deputy First Ministers.

“We firmly believe this movement towards a better and more sustainable health and social care service is because the voice of nursing not just spoke up but was heard.

“I am immensely proud of the steadfastness and determination that nurses have shown in order to improve conditions not just for nurses, but for patients who have been subjected to longer waiting lists and delayed care for long enough. This dispute always focused not just on pay, but on ensuring that we have the right numbers of nurses in the right places, to provide the care and treatment required.

“Our next step will be to consult our members in Northern Ireland in relation to the offer on pay parity and safe staffing.”