Man arrested in missing woman murder probe

Charlotte Murray hasn't been seen since 2012 - police believe she was murdered.

Charlotte Murray
Published 23rd Oct 2017

A man has been arrested by detectives investigating the suspected murder of a missing Co Tyrone woman.

Charlotte Murray has not been seen by her family for five years. Police are treating the Omagh woman's disappearance as murder.

The 46-year-old suspect was detained in Dungannon on Monday morning. He was taken to the town's police station for questioning.

Charlotte was reported missing in May 2013 but had not been in contact with family or friends since October/November 2012. She was originally from Omagh but had been living in Moy.


Last week Charlotte's twin sister Denise made an emotional appeal for anyone with information about the disappearance to come forward:

“Our sister Charlotte’s disappearance is one of the most horrific experiences we have ever faced in our lives.

“It’s heart-breaking to know that Charlotte’s out there somewhere and we can’t do anything to help her.

“Since our sister went missing in late 2012 our emotions have been all over the place. Hope has been our friend in this nightmare so far and we cling on to it. Guilt is one emotion we all feel. We feel guilty about going on with our every- day lives as Charlotte will never get the opportunity to continue on with hers.

“Charlotte has missed so many family events and celebration and that constantly reminds us that Charlotte is not here with us. Christmas is a really sad time for our family also – we’ll be spending our 6th Christmas without her this year.

“Loss is an emotion we suffer as we wake up each day and go to sleep each night. We are in mourning but we have no special place to go to remember Charlotte.

"We also feel each other’s pain. Our poor mum is inconsolable and there’s nothing we can say or do to help ease her pain. She gave Charlotte life and not knowing what happened to her is heart-breaking for our mum.

"We suffer every day as we try to come to terms with the thought that we might never get to see Charlotte again. She was such a positive and outgoing person – the life and soul of the party and such great fun to be around.

"We still live in hope and wait for her return. Someone has taken her life and they know what they have done – we are appealing to that person to come forward… please find the decency to tell us where she is. We just want to say goodbye and lay her to rest."


Detective Chief Inspector Eamonn Corrigan said: “For five years, Charlotte’s family and friends have suffered intolerable grief. They can’t move on with their lives until they know what has happened to her.

“Police are working on the belief that Charlotte has been murdered and I am appealing to anyone who may have any information that will help me with my investigation to please come forward and speak to my team of detectives.

“We have made significant progress over the past 12 months and I would like to make a specific appeal today for information about Charlotte’s engagement ring and her mobile phone. Both these items are of great importance to my investigation. The ring has a gold band with diamonds and also has a hexagon shape in the centre containing multiple diamond stones. Charlotte’s mobile phone was a Samsung Galaxy Y S5360.

“I would appeal to anyone who came into possession of either of these items since Charlotte went missing to please contact us.

“Charlotte’s family miss her and they deserve and need to know what happened to her. If you have any information no matter how small please contact detectives in Gough on 101 extension 34233."