Man arrested after 'offensive' social media comments made to NI Health Minister

man arrested
Author: Nigel GouldPublished 6th Apr 2020
Last updated 6th Apr 2020

Police are probing threatening and offensive comments made towards Health Minister Robin Swann on social media.

A spokesman said a 26 year old man was arrested in the Ballymena area yesterday (Sunday) on suspicion of improper use of telecommunications causing anxiety.

He was subsequently released on police bail pending further inquiries.

The investigation is ongoing.

In a statement the Department of Health said: “The Department can confirm that a threatening communication was received by the Minister via social media.

"This matter has been passed to the police. The Department will not be making any further comment.”

Meanwhile, the incident has been condemned widely.

UUP leader Steve Aiken said: "It is utterly despicable that threats that were blatantly intimidating and sectarian were made against our exceptionally hard-working and dedicated health minister.''

He said he was calling on all Stormont Executive ministers to come out and condemn it.

SDLP leader Colum Eastwood said: "Robin Swann is working night and day to reduce the impact of coronavirus on our communities.

"The vile sectarian abuse and threats that he and his family have been subjected to are disgusting and those responsible must be held accountable.''