Irish soldier serving as a UN peacekeeper in Lebanon dies in 'serious incident'

Irish defence Minister Simon Coveney said he was informed of a serious incident
Author: Chris BrennanPublished 15th Dec 2022

An Irish soldier serving as a UN peacekeeper in Lebanon has died following a "serious incident", Irish Defence Minister Simon Coveney has said.

In a statement released just before 6am on Thursday, Mr Coveney said another soldier had suffered "serious injuries" in the same incident.

"I was informed by the Chief of Staff in the early hours of this morning of a serious incident involving Irish troops serving in Lebanon as part of Unifil (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon)," he said.

"It is with profound sadness and a deep sense of shock that I have subsequently learned of the death of one of our peacekeepers and of the serious injuries to one other.

"At this time I want to express, on behalf of everyone in Ireland, our utmost sorrow at the loss of a young man serving his country and the United Nations overseas. To his family I want to say sorry for their heartbreak and loss.

"To the families of those injured, I want you to know the Defence Forces will do everything to care for and support your loved ones."

Mr Coveney said he intends on meeting with UN secretary general Antonio Guterres to discuss a "full investigation" into the circumstances of the incident.

"As Minister for Defence and for Foreign Affairs I am currently in New York for a meeting of the UN Security Council," he said.

"I will return to Ireland this evening after I meet with the UN secretary general to discuss the loss of our peacekeeper and the full investigation that must now follow."

Ireland President Michael D Higgins offered his "deepest condolences" to the family of the dead soldier.

He said in a statement: "As President of Ireland and Supreme Commander of the Defence Forces, it is with a heavy heart, and conscious of the great loss it will represent to them, that I offer my deepest condolences to the family, colleagues and friends of the member of the Defence Forces who has lost their life.

"A life lost serving the people of Ireland, serving the United Nations, and serving all those wishing for peace in our shared world."

According to its website, Unifil's mandate is to "confirm the withdrawal of Israeli forces from southern Lebanon", as well as "assist the Government of Lebanon in ensuring the return of its effective authority in the area".

The force says it is made up of "around 10,500 peacekeepers" from 48 countries.