Huge increase in online child abuse

NSPCC calls for more protection for young people

Published 7th Feb 2017

The number of indecent images of children online rose by 70% last year, according to the PSNI.

The figures were highlighted today by the NSPCC on Safer Internet Day.

The children's charity is hoping to see a joined up response between companies and government to make the internet safer for children.

Margaret Gallagher from the NSPCC said it was an ever evolving situation and that parents had a vital role to play.

Meanwhile, charity head, Neil Anderson said: “With the use of internet devices rising year on year, knowing how to protect young people online is becoming an even greater challenge.

“To children, online friends are real friends and online life is real life. There’s no difference. This leaves them open to the risk of online abuse more than ever before.

“The dangers of the internet are clear. Last year alone, the number of offences involving the possession of indecent images of children recorded by the PSNI rose by over 70% to 394 in 2015/16.

“Young people can often share too much about themselves online without realising the consequences. Therefore, it is also vital that they know how to get help if they ever feel scared or uncomfortable about something they see online. We would always encourage parents to have open and honest conversations with their children to understand how to stay safe and where to go when things go wrong.

“Setting up parental controls, alongside regular chats about their digital lives, can go a long way to minimizing the risks.

“Keeping children safe online is everyone’s responsibility, so I hope Safer Internet Day will inspire more tech companies to unite with government and organisations like the NSPCC to build a better internet for children.”