'Home sweet home!' - Good news for Billy Caldwell

After a number of recent setbacks, there's some good news for County Tyrone boy Billy Caldwell.

Published 13th Feb 2017
Last updated 14th Feb 2017

After spending 6 months living in LA with his mum Charlotte, Billy will finally be able to come home for a bit.

It follows a move by the government in Dublin which has legalised the type of Cannabis oil which Billy has been taking while being treated in the USA. And an Irish pharmaceutical professional Dr.James Linden from Greenlight Medicine, has worked over the past number of months to procure the CBD/THC medicine which can replace the supplement that Billy has being using successfully in L.A. to treat his life-threatening Epilepsy.

It means he can spend a few months at home with family and friends, before heading back to America for the operation he needs to help stop his life-threatening epilepitc seizures.

An ecstatic Charlotte revealed the news on Facebook yesterday.

Charlotte also said that she had spoken with the Stormont Health Minister Michelle O'Neill. She said Ms O'Neill had reassured her she would work to follow in the footsteps of the Irish Government and look at providing CBD/THC oil on prescription for families who desperately need it .

But she said they would still continue the fundraising drive, as the medical bills in LA still need to be paid. Billy still needs to return to America for another brain scan to determine what type of surgery he can have to help prevent further potentially fatal seizures.

In the meantime Charlotte says she is hoping to find a Pediatric Epiltoligist in Ireland who can take over Billy's care.

The mum, who has tirelessly campaigned for her son, has also thanked those who have supported them on their journey:

"Folks our journey is by no means over yet, but incredibly today we are one step closer thanks to Billy's Hero, Dr.James Linden. Greenlight Medicine.

"Words cannot express how I am feeling , but what I do know is this, my wee Epilepsy Warrior would not be here today if it weren't for all you beautiful, kind, generous , supportive folks out there.

"I don't believe you folk realise what you have done for Billy and I. You have given me back my right as a mammie to hope, but most importantly, you have given Billy back his right to life

"For that I am truly indebted to you all."

Billy and his mum will be landing at Dublin airport on Monday evening.