What happens now the pause button has been pressed at Stormont?

The June Elections could see a change at the NIO

Published 28th Apr 2017

Three elections, a referendum and paused talks process. It sounds like the start of a bad joke…POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT JORDAN MOATES tries to find a punchline

When these negotiations started there was always the risk of an election, most assumed it would be an Assembly one, so the Prime Minister really threw the cat among the pigeons.

The fear with a campaign is that it could potentially see parties pulled apart and destroy any progress that has been made in the last seven weeks.

The Secretary of State’s position could be another thing to add into the mix after June 8..

If Theresa May gets back in will she keep him at the Northern Ireland office?

After all, he knows the lay of the land and where this process is at.

Or will it be an opportunity to move him elsewhere and add a new dynamic into the talks.

Some parties might be in favour of a change, but it could be a case for the politicians of better the Secretary of state you know than the one you do not ...