George Best film premieres in Belfast

The exploits of George Best have been brought to the silver screen in a new documentary film.

Press Eye
Published 17th Feb 2017
Last updated 19th Feb 2017

Put together with a budget of over a million dollars, it looks at the life of Northern Ireland's greatest footballer.

Fans are sure to be intrigued by the action footage and extensive archive interviews. It's unique in that it is mostly narrated by Best himself, as if he is telling the story from beyond the grave.

At the local premier at the Movie House cinema on the Dublin Road last night, Director Daniel Gordon said it was good to bring the Belfast Boy home.

"Until I first came to Belfast, I really had no idea of the depth of the love towards him, despite everything I'd been told and despite everything you see around the city in terms of the airport and the murals. To bring it back into his home town is a huge honour and a privilege."

Press Eye

He added it gives a definitive account of Best's life:

"There's incredible archive in there. There's stuff you will never have seen before visually, but also in terms of depth of the story. There's no point making a story that's all about his glorious football days and there's no point in making a film that's only about his stuff off the field and his battle with various demons including the alcoholism. I think for the first time you will see that full picture."

The film comes out in cinemas next Friday.