Former hotel worker rearrested in Michaela McAreavey investigation

Sandip Mooneea, pictured in 2012, has been rearrested by police investigating the murder of Michaela McAreavey.
Author: David Young and Dominic McGrath, PA Published 19th Apr 2022
Last updated 19th Apr 2022

A former hotel worker acquitted of the murder of Irish honeymooner Michaela McAreavey has been rearrested by detectives in Mauritius investigating the case, his lawyers have said.

Mauritian police confirmed Sandeep Mooneea had been brought in for questioning by officers examining the case of Mrs McAreavey.

Mooneea and another man were found not guilty of the murder after a high-profile trial on the holiday island in summer 2012.

Police have not confirmed what suspected offence Mooneea is being questioned over.

Neelkanth Dulloo, counsel for Mooneea, told PA news agency that he was also unaware of the specific basis for the arrest.

Mr Dulloo has also written to the island's commissioner of police raising concerns.

He wrote: "I humbly beg you sir to refer the present matter to the honourable director of public prosecutions for advice.

"Section 19A does not give the police powers to arrest a person acquitted by the jury unless the hurdles of fresh and compelling evidence are met to the required standard.

"May I remind you that 'compelling evidence' means evidence which is (a) reliable; (b) substantial and (c) highly probative in the context of the issues in dispute at the trial."

A spokesperson for the Mauritian police said: "Investigation by police is progressing regarding the Michaela Harte McAreavy case. Mr Sandeep Mooneea has been brought in and is being interrogated."

Mrs McAreavey, 27, was strangled in her room at the Legends Hotel in Mauritius on January 10 2011.

The teacher, who had married husband John 10 days earlier, was attacked as she returned to her room alone and disturbed a burglary.

No-one has been convicted of murdering the daughter of Gaelic football manager Mickey Harte.

Mooneea and his co-accused in the 2012 murder trial, Avinash Treebhoowoon, worked as cleaners in the hotel at the time of the killing.

The new development in the case comes weeks after another former hotel employee - ex-security guard Dassen Narayanen - was charged with theft in relation to the McAreaveys' room.

Narayanen, 37, from Royal Road, Plaine des Papayes on the Indian Ocean island, was remanded in custody charged with conspiring with another hotel employee to steal a magnetic key card to the room occupied by Mrs McAreavey and her husband John to commit larceny.

He was been admitted to hospital several times during his detention for mental health issues and his lawyer has heavily criticised how he has been treated by police.

John McAreavey has pursued a long campaign for justice and in 2017 offered a two million Mauritian rupee (50,000 euro) reward for information leading to a successful conviction.