EXCLUSIVE: Youngest victim of sexual assault only 2 months old

Author: Sasha WyliePublished 28th Sep 2018
Last updated 2nd Oct 2018

Downtown/Cool FM can exclusively reveal the extent of sexual assault victims in Northern Ireland.

Shockingly, the youngest victim of sexual assault was just 2 months old, with the oldest being 97 years of age.

And the message from the centre was clear, anyone can be a victim of sexual assault.

The Rowan Centre provides a range of services for people who have been raped or sexually assaulted.

903 people visited the sexual referral service this year - that's up by nearly 100 from the previous year - and nearly double since it opened back in 2014.

34% of those referred were children and young people.

Service manager Gail Jackson says most referrals would be in the 18-34 age group, but they have seen abuse right across the age spectrum.

"There's been a year on year increase of people attend our service, we see all ages and men, women and children.

"It can happen to anyone, in fact, our youngest client has been under 6 months and our oldest has been 97 years old."

Ms Jackson also stressed the fact that no matter how long its been - they can still provide help and support.

"Sometimes people don't want to report straight away and that's fine, we have a certain time frame for acute violence but also if something has happened months or years ago, they can still ring and our specially trained staff can help and support them.

Gail told us the recent cases of historical abuse have contributed to more people seeking help at their center.

And she made a specific appeal to men here who have been affected to get in contact.

"We have a clear under reporting of male rape and sexual assault, but its very important that ALL victims can access support at The Rowan, and it will be done in a safe and confidential matter."

When the center first opened in 2013/14, 597 victims contacted the center. That's grown year by year and in 2017/18, the center helped 903 clients.

You can see more about the shocking figures obtained by Downtown/Cool FM below -

  • 34% of those referred into the Rowan were children and young people (n=217) i.e. under the age of 18 years. 66% were adults (n=429). Sexual violence and sexual abuse affects people across all age ranges, from infants to the very elderly.
  • A significant number of people (49%, n=316) attending the Rowan presented with complex and / or additional needs, such as: living with chronic and enduring mental ill-health, physical ill-health and/or learning disabilities.
  • 646 individuals were referred into the Rowan for support services, with a further 257 individuals seeking support, information and signposting onwards only.
  • 48% of referrals were received within normal business hours i.e. Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm, and 52% out of hours.
  • In terms of the source of referral, 62% (400) came from the police. 21% (134) being made by the individual affected him/herself and the remaining 17% (112) came from 3rd parties, the majority of whom were family members / friends of the individual directly affected by the sexual violence /abuse.
  • The majority of Third party and self-referrers have reported the crime to the Police.
  • In relation to gender breakdown: the majority of individuals referred were female ( 88%); 12% were male (74%).
  • For a small number of individuals and families who have engaged with the service English was their second language. The number is in line with population size. Interpreting services were employed as required to assist and support people engage fully with the assessment and care offered. A number of individuals have re-presented to The Rowan with a further and separate incident of sexual assault.
  • The vast majority of victims knew their perpetrator(s)

The Rowan is the regional Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) for Northern Ireland.

You can find more information about the centre on their website.

Freephone helpline - 0800 389 4424