Entrepreneurial Belfast Mum NEEDS Your Help!

Published 17th May 2016

By Tina Calder

AN entrepreneurial mum from Belfast is calling for people to help her get the unique opportunity to pitch a business idea to Virgin mogul Richard Branson.

Nuala Murphy, 35, who owns her own marketing firm Malone Marketing, is hoping to get millionaire Branson to support her HappyMummyHappyBaby App.

If she gets enough votes in the VOOM 2016 competition, Nuala will receive share of ÂŁ1,000,000 in prizes and have the unique opportunity to pitch her business to the famous Virgin entrepreneur.

VOOM 2016 relies on public votes to shortlist the UK and Ireland’s most exciting entrepreneurs, and Nuala is hoping her HappyMummyHappyBabyApp will capture the hearts of the nation.

She said: “HappyMummyHappyBaby is a mental health app that will screen for antenatal and postnatal depression and associated anxieties.

“20% of women in the UK (and globally) suffer from some form of perinatal mood disorder with 70% saying they hide or downplay symptoms.

“Early detection is so important. 50% of women surveyed said they weren’t checked for mental health during pregnancy. But we know that through early intervention sufferers can expect an 80%-90% recovery.”

It is believed that perinatal health disorders cost the UK ÂŁ8.1Billion each year.

Nuala added: “I want to empower women and their families to protect their mental health at a very vulnerable stage of motherhood and parenthood. And lets not for that 10% of men also suffer, so my idea is for the whole family.”

Speaking of the competition Branson said: “Virgin Media Business VOOM 2016 is all about seeking out, supporting and celebrating the UK’s and Ireland’s most exciting businesses. It’s the biggest and most valuable pitch competition out there - we’re hoping everyone will find a way to get involved.”

Voting for VOOM 2016 is now open at www.vmbvoom.com