Eamonn Holmes becomes patron of NI cancer charity

TV presenter Eamonn Holmes has thrown his support behind the Friends of the Cancer Centre charity in Northern Ireland.

Eamonn Holmes was announced as a patron of Friends of the Cancer Centre.
Published 8th Mar 2017
Last updated 9th Mar 2017

Mr Holmes toured their facilities at Belfast City Hospital on Wednesday afternoon and spoke with patients and staff.

Friends of the Cancer Centre is one of Northern Ireland’s leading cancer charities working to support local cancer patients and their families and has been operating for 30 years.

"For me the most powerful part of today has been talking to patients, as it’s then that you really appreciate the impact all of this work is having on their lives and the lives of their families," he said.

“What amazes me even more is that everything Friends of the Cancer Centre do is solely down to the support of people across Northern Ireland. ”

"The fact that local people are supporting their family, friends and neighbours through this incredible cause is really special.

"We all need friends when times are tough and I feel humbled and honoured to be a friend of this incredible charity.

"Every penny donated to Friends of the Cancer Centre has the power to help someone affected by cancer and I would really encourage everyone in Northern Ireland to extend their hand of friendship to the charity as I’ve seen the incredible difference you can make.”

CEO Colleen Shaw was effusive in her praise for the former Sky broadcaster.

“We are thrilled that Eamonn has joined us as patron of Friends of the Cancer Centre and we were delighted to welcome him to the Cancer Centre today to see our work in action," she said.


"To have someone as well-known and respected as Eamonn support our work is very special and it was wonderful to see him talk to our staff and patients and hear directly from them about the impact of our work."

And Mr Holmes took the time to have a bit of fun with those patuents he maet on his tour.

"Well the craic was unbelievable," said Ms Shaw.

"He was doing selfies and pouts and all sorts of things.

"He was on Snapchat with a couple of the younger patients, and for a lot of them, that will make their day that little bit easier."