Parents "in limbo" as hundreds of pupils are left without post-primary school places across NI

Education Authority says around 300 children have not been allocated their Year 8 choices

Author: Tara MclaughlinPublished 20th May 2018
Last updated 21st May 2018

FAMILIES across Northern Ireland are in shock after finding out their children have not secured post primary school places.

According to the Education Authority it has processed applications from more than 22,000 pupils transferring from P7 to Year 8.

Of these more than 86% have gained places in their first choice school and that more than 99% have been placed.

But in a statement the EA confirmed around 300 pupils have not been allocated their places.

Post primary admissions closed on May 18 and pupils were told they would be notified on Saturday.

But many received letters to say they have not had a post secured at any of their chosen schools and are as yet 'unplaced.'

The Authority said it had written to parents outlining the next steps they should take.

In a statement, it said: "EA continues to work with schools and parents to ensure all pupils are allocated Year 8 places."

Dungannon mum Lisa Marie Coyle said her son Cailum was left 'devastated' by the news:

"He would be the type of child that would pretend that it doesn't bother him but it has," she said.

"All his wee friends are sitting with their letter stating where they're going and he's sitting here in limbo not knowing what's going to happen next.

"I want answers and I want them fairly fast, why is my child one of a certain percentage?

"They (the Education Authority) knew those letters were going out today with no school selected on them so what have they done to actually address that?

"I think it's been the births that year and there was high numbers but it's not something that they didn't see coming.

"I was assured by the school they were applying for extra places and that they'd be getting them and now we're sitting with no place."

"It's absolutely ridiculous, as a mother... I'm sitting here completely dumbfounded today that my child's sitting with no place."