Drugs with street value of over £1.2m seized in PSNI organised crime raids

Three separate finds in Belfast and Co Tyrone

Cannabis factory
Author: Nigel GouldPublished 11th Oct 2019
Last updated 11th Oct 2019

Drugs worth more than £1.2m have been seized in separate busts in Belfast and Co Tyrone.

Police discovered a cannabis factory with 1,500 plants, at a rented property on the city’s Boucher Road on Wednesday evening and then 32 kilograms of suspected herbal cannabis in a vehicle on Dargan Road yesterday (Thursday) morning.

Each haul had an estimated street value of £600,000.

In addition, drugs worth £25,000 have been seized in Cookstown.

In relation to the cannabis factory, Detective Inspector Adam Ruston said: “This has been a profitable and complex venture, most likely in operation for over a year. Those responsible are, of course, only interested in lining their own pockets, with no thought whatsoever for those adversely affected by their financial gain.

“Some people think that cannabis is harmless – this is simply not true. Like other illegal drugs, it can damage both physical and mental health, causing harm and hurt to individuals and their loved ones. The consequences can be heart-breaking.

“We would advise landlords to make thorough checks of any potential tenants before letting their property, and to look out for tell-tale signs that a house is being used for such activity.

“Our enquiries are continuing and we would appeal to anyone with information to contact us on 101, quoting reference number 899 of 09/10/19.

“Alternatively, information can be provided to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, which is 100% anonymous and gives people the power to speak up and stop crime.”

As a result of the vehicle find, police have charged a 45 year old man with possession of class B drugs and possession of class B drugs with intent to supply. He is due to appear at Belfast Magistrates Court today (Friday).

Herbal cannabis

Meanwhile, detectives from PSNI Organised Crime Branch carried out a number of searches in the Cookstown area yesterday as part of an intelligence-led operation targeting illegal drugs.

Four men aged 25, 29, and two aged 19, have been charged with a number of offences including possession of class A drugs, supplying class A drugs and possessing criminal property. The men are due to appear at Dungannon Magistrates Court today (Friday).