Crunch talks to begin at Stormont

The British and Irish Prime Ministers say they want a functioning executive re-established as soon as possible.

The DUP is blocking the formation of a fully functioning ministerial executive at Stormont as part of its protest against the protocol
Published 6th Mar 2017
Last updated 6th Mar 2017

Theresa May and Enda Kenny spoke on the phone for around fifteen minutes yesterday and for once the topic wasn't Brexit but the outcome of last week's election. They both want urgent talks to restore devolution.

Given the results of the election Sinn Fein's Michelle O'Neill is likely to have the upper hand going into negotiations.

On Saturday she said: "The reason we are in the situation that we are in, is because of the RHI scandal and the DUP's arrogance towards the public in relation to all of that. But also it's because we have had failure by the DUP, and the British Governement, and indeed the Irish Government to implement previous agreements. So there are many Key issues to be dealt with."

Party leaders will meet with the Secretary of State James Brokenshire later for preliminary talks on finding a way to restore devolution.

They have three weeks to form an executive or risk the re-imposition of direct rule from Westminster.

On Sunday, Theresa May and Enda Kenny ordered ministers to open urgent negotiations with the parties after the poll radically altered the face of the Stormont Assembly, ending for the first time the overall unionist majority.

The two leaders agreed to discuss the issue again at the EU council summit in Brussels on Thursday.

It is understood Mr Brokenshire will meet all five main party leaders today "on a bilateral basis'', ahead of talks including Irish Foreign Minister Charlie Flanagan on Wednesday.

In separate co-ordinated statements on Sunday, Mr Brokenshire and Mr Flanagan warned there was a limited window'' to resolve differences and get a functioning parliament back up and running.

Mr Brokenshire said responsibility lies on the shoulders of the DUP and Sinn Fein.

He added that "confidential'' talks would start immediately to resolve other outstanding issues over the full implementation of peace agreements and how the legacy of the Troubles is addressed.

Mr Flanagan said it was of the utmost importance for the people of Northern Ireland that the political institutions, established under the Good Friday Agreement, promptly resume, "not least so that they can effectively engage with the issues raised by Brexit''.

But Sinn Fein has refused to pull back from its red line that the DUP leader cannot be reinstated as first minister while an inquiry continues into the RHI scandal.

The DUP, however, has insisted Sinn Fein cannot dictate who they nominate to lead the party in any restored Stormont Executive. Simon Hamilton, economy minister until the Assembly's collapse, said Ms Foster has a mandate to lead her party.

On Sunday, Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams took aim at the Conservative Government in London, saying it is "part of the problem'' of the political crisis in Northern Ireland, accusing No 10 of seeking to impose Brexit and refusing to implement agreements on the legacy of the Troubles.

But the Sinn Fein leader said his party will be at Stormont on Monday to "engage positively with all the other parties'' to find a way forward.

With unionists in a weakened position their next move will have to be carefully thought out.

And if these talks fail to get off the ground, we could be looking at a period of direct rule.