Conlan welcomes Stormont Executive plan on mental health but says action is needed now

“Our communities need action today, not tomorrow, not next week,”

Michael Conlan
Author: Nigel GouldPublished 23rd Jan 2020

Belfast boxer Michael Conlan has welcomed a plan by the Stormont Executive to tackle mental health issues across Northern Ireland.

In a tweet, last night the Executive revealed it was setting up a “working group on mental well-being and resilience.”

The Executive said Ministers were committed to “working together to improve mental health for all.”

In an interview with Downtown Radio & Cool FM, Michael Conlan said: “Anything to promote mental health is really welcomed and we are very grateful that this is starting to happen.”

But he said there could be no delay in sorting out the many problems

“Our communities need action today, not tomorrow, not next week,” he said.

“We are still waiting on the Minister (Health Minister, Robin Swann) to respond to the letter and we hope when he does respond those targets and those things we have asked for will be implemented without delay.”

Earlier this week, the boxer, along with dozens of high-profile figures, wrote an open letter to Mr Swann calling on Stormont to declare a public health emergency – and make suicide prevention a top priority.

The Minister acknowledged suicide was one of the biggest challenges facing society today.