NI Executive reduces Christmas bubbles to one day

The Executive is due to meet later today. The Health Minister and Education Minister are also due in the assembly today.

First Minister Arlene Foster and Deputy First Minister, Michelle O'Neill.
Author: Chelsie KealeyPublished 21st Dec 2020
Last updated 21st Dec 2020

The Northern Ireland Executive has agreed to reduce the five-day Christmas bubbling arrangements in the region to one day

The relaxation of Coronavirus rules now only allows three households to gather on Christmas Day.

However, flexibility will be afforded to people working on December 25 to enable them to bubble on another day over the festive break.

The decision was made by Stormont ministers during an emergency virtual executive meeting late on last night (Sunday).

Ministers also debated the potential of a temporary ban on travel from Great Britain to Northern Ireland in response to the new variant of Covid-19 that has taken hold in other parts of the UK.

No decision was taken during Sunday night's exchanges, with ministers expected to return to the issue today (Monday).

Is there a travel ban in place for Northern Ireland?

Ministers also debated imposing a temporary ban on travel from Great Britain to NI in response to the new variant of Covid-19 that has taken hold in London and Kent.

It is understood Executive ministers debated amending the 1967 Public Health Act to introduce short-term travel restrictions.

Sinn Fein supported the move however practical issues were raised around how quickly such a ban could be introduced, given the time it would likely take for the Department of Health to draw up regulations to bring it into effect.

The DUP position was that UK internal travel is already banned from Tier 4 areas in England, so there is no need for added Stormont legislation to enforce that.

The party believes the responsibility for stopping flights and ferries within the UK is an issue for the UK Government and has also raised concern that Stormont could leave itself open to compensation liabilities if it was to legislate on the issue.

It is understood the Health Department is to seek further legal advice on the issue ahead of the executive resuming discussions later today.

Is Northern Ireland still going into a six-week lockdown?

The Northern Ireland Executive decided last week to impose a six-week lockdown from December 26 and this will still go ahead.

The first week of the measures will see the toughest lockdown yet, with a form of curfew in operation from 8pm.

Shops closed from that time and all indoor and outdoor gatherings prohibited until 6am.

How have the Christmas bubbling arrangements in Northern Ireland changed?

Christmas bubbling will now be reduced to one day only on a date between December 23 and 27, to ensure flexibility for those working on Christmas Day to choose an alternative day that suits best.

Previously the bubbling of three house holds was allowed from the December 23 -27.

Those travelling into the country were allowed a day’s grace either side of this to allow them to get to their desired destination in time.

This has now been scrapped.

Are schools going to open in January?

It is understood that schools opening as normal in the new year was a hot topic at last night’s Executive meeting.

Throughout the whole of the Christmas planning the Education Minister, Peter Weir, said that keeping schools open is a top priority and confirmed on Saturday that all schools and other education settings will reopen in the first week of January.

Mr Weir is due to address the assembly later today.

Has the strain of Covid-19 reached Northern Ireland yet?

It is yet to be confirmed whether the new strain of the Covid-19 virus has reached NI.

However, the First Minister, Arlene Foster, has warned that it probably already in NI and the Republic

Arlene Foster said ministers were very concerned about the highly infectious mutation and tests were ongoing.

She told the BBC's Good Morning Ulster programme: “It is probable that it is here and likely it is in the Republic too.''

The DUP leader urged people to follow the new rules.

She deeply regretted that official guidance on the holiday season had changed.

A swathe of European countries including the Republic of Ireland have imposed bans on travel from the UK and this has halted some freight movements.

Stormont Executive ministers debated amending the 1967 Public Health Act to introduce short-term travel restrictions.