Billy out of hospital after coma setback

The mum of Billy Caldwell is thanking all those who have supported them during his recent fight against the seizures which could kill him.

Billy back in his home in LA
Published 31st Jan 2017
Last updated 31st Jan 2017

Last week Charlotte Caldwell made an emotional plea for prayer on Facebook after Billy was put into an induced coma.

"We've had lovely messages, not only from Northern Ireland, but Australia, Canada, Scotland, England, America, all around."

The 11 year old from Castlederg suffered a number of massive seizures recently. It came as a horrible shock for Charlotte, and Billy's supporters, as his severe epilepsy had been kept in check since before Christmas.

"It was just unbelievable, it was just incomprehensible what happened. I was totally and absolutely in shock about it"

Writing on Facebook Charlotte said it was undoubtedly Billy's toughest fight with "Mr. Seizure" yet.

"I have experienced a varied array of emotions, conflicting emotions have pulled at my heart in so many different directions.

"My only wish was to wave a Magic Wand to instantly heal my wee Epilepsy Warrior's tiny body or even to take his place to free him from this brutal condition.

"I have so much missed his cheeky smile, sparkling eyes looking up at me, his wee boisterous ways and his usual bounding of energy keeping me on my toes constantly."

Billy Caldwell

Thankfully Billy is now back at his temporary home in LA and doing well.

But the episode has had more than just an emotional impact on Charlotte:

"I'm just dreading the hospital bill coming in through the door and that is the truth because we have received the bill for the ambulance. From the house here in Los Angeles to the hospital, just for the ambulance was $3169."

The family are continuing to fundraise to help with the mounting medical costs. If you wish to help, you can donate here: