Baking FAILS

Published 19th Aug 2015

Don't think Paul and Mary would be best pleased with some of these attempts !

  1. These Cookie Monster cupcakes look a bit under the weather...
  1. What would Paul say about the bake on this one?!
  1. These Wicked cupcakes are quite terrifying...
  1. Naan Bread?! How is this Naan bread?!
  1. Sponge Cake gone wrong!
  1. Mmmmmm...
  1. So many colours, such a baking fail.
  1. Think Mary would be criticising the decoration on this one...
  1. The bake is defintiely not even on these two...
  1. The scariest Michael Jackson cake in the WORLD.
  1. Pinterest FAIL!
  1. Good idea, execution was a bit off...
  1. Don't think we will be trying these grey cupcakes anytime soon...