Anger over 'misguided and draconian regulations' for outdoor hospitality

Many businesses have been left unable to open because of the strict rules around reopening

People sitting at a bar terrace
Author: Sasha WyliePublished 28th Apr 2021
Last updated 28th Apr 2021

Hospitality owners have been left confused and angered after finding out they are not allowed to reopen on 30th April due to strict regulations.

The Executive gave the green light for outdoor hospitality to open on Friday, but many have found out just days before they are not allowed to open as their premises do not meet the current rules.

Council representatives and the PSNI have been liaising with publicans in Belfast, to ensure they are abiding by the stringent guidelines set out by the Northern Ireland Executive.

Hospitality Ulster says that its members are being forced to accept a set of rules that have not been consulted upon with the industry.

The body says the expectations of what the Executive Office want to see - and what the sector need to do to get their doors open, are mismatched.

Colin Neill, Chief Executive said: “As we get closer to the first wave of reopening outdoor, our members are getting in contact in their droves, worried that they won’t be able to get back to business as the regulations and their interpretation are far too stringent.”

“In reality, the idea of outdoor being opened again is meaningless if only a relatively small number of venues can actually make it work. Many will have prepared for reopening by buying thousands of pounds worth of stock to replenish their empty bars, only to be told that their set up does not meet the regulations, despite being open to the same standard in previous failed reopening phases.”

“This is not the time to be playing with the livelihoods of business owners and we are demanding that the Executive intervenes and remedies this. A level of common sense needs to be brought to this problem as the sector has worked so hard and taken every precaution to get the outdoor element open this weekend.”

Businesses are also being warned not to flout the rules by a licencing lawyer, who says they run the risk of losing their licence.

Christopher Bullock from O’Reilly Stewart Solicitors said, “Covid-19 may well have permanently changed how we go to the pub or restaurant and while operators are keen to get back up and running this weekend, they must not adversely impact the long-term viability of their licence by taking unnecessary risks when re-opening.

“Under the current restrictions only those venues with adequate and suitable outdoor space are permitted to reopen and while outlets will want to maximise this opportunity after months without trading, selling alcohol in unlicensed beer gardens or outdoor areas or carrying out alterations to the premises without court consent could jeopardise their licence in the long term.

“The process and timing of re-opening has been particularly difficult on the trade with little information forthcoming and businesses have had to adapt quickly to what the latest guidelines mean. I would urge all statutory authorities to work closely with and support the trade to ensure they can open in line with regulations. This will help to protect licence renewals which are due in 2022 and also support the long-term vibrancy of an industry that is crucial to the Northern Ireland economy.”