Arrests over latest arson attack in Larne

Press Eye
Published 24th Apr 2017
Last updated 24th Apr 2017

Three men have been been arrested in connection with the latest in a spate of arson attacks in Larne.

They are being questioned about an incident in the town yesterday afternoon where a car was pushed up to the front of a house on the Killyglen Road and set alight.

The front of the property was damaged by the fire.

The men, aged 23, 32 and 34 are being questioned about arson with intent to endanger life.

The 34 year old is also being held on suspicion of disorderly behaviour and assault on police.

It follows a number of similar incidents recently - including one where a car was used to burn down a hairdressing salon.

East Antrim Ulster Unionist MLA Roy Beggs has condemned the latest arson attack in Larne and has called on the public to pass on details of any suspicious activity to the police to help lead to the prosecution of those involved.

Roy Beggs MLA said:

“This latest arson attack has all the hallmarks of a tit-for-tat attack between feuding criminals. Another car has been set on fire and, with the risk of an exploding petrol tank, homes have been endangered along with the lives of local residents.

Press Eye

Sinn Féin's Oliver McMullan said:

"I totally condemn this latest incident in Larne during which a car was driven into a house.

"Thankfully no one was injured but it is clear that the situation is getting out of hand.

"In recent weeks we have seen arson attacks on cars and businesses and now it has escalated with this attack on a home.

"We need to see robust action from the PSNI to tackle those involved in this criminality immediately before someone is seriously injured or perhaps worse."

Alliance MLA Stewart Dickson has said it needs to stop before someone is killed:

“This situation cannot be allowed to increase any further and I appeal to everyone involved to help put an end to things.

“If anyone has any information on this attack I would appeal to them to tell the police immediately.”