Cervical cancer: 17,000 women in NI to have smear tests double checked

Trust says it is a precautionary measure

smear tests are to be reviewed for 17,000 women in Northern Ireland
Author: Nigel GouldPublished 9th Oct 2023
Last updated 9th Oct 2023

Some 17,000 women in Northern Ireland are to have their smear tests looked at again as part of a major health screening review, it emerged today (Monday).

The Southern Health Trust has commissioned an independent assessment of its cervical screening services from 1 January 2008 and October 2021.

In a statement the Trust said "as a precautionary measure" this would involve the review of records for 17,000 women who will be contacted by letter.

It follows a risk assessment report by the Royal College of Pathologists which found "that whilst the majority of negative results issued by the laboratory were correct, a significant number of women are likely to have had negative screening results from the Southern Trust laboratory which would have been identified as potentially abnormal by other laboratories."

The statement continued: "In the majority of cases, we will be able to review the previous smear, which is stored in our laboratory, but in some cases, we will invite women to attend for a further smear test.

"The Trust is writing to all women whose records will be reviewed with further information. There is no need for women to contact their GP to make an appointment for a smear test unless they have recently received an invitation to attend for one as part of the routine screening programme."

Dr Stephen Austin, Medical Director for the Southern Trust, said he was aware of the "anxiety" this would cause and he has apologised.

And he added: “This report has identified performance issues in our laboratory and we have been working with colleagues in the Public Health Agency (PHA) on a series of actions to improve both service provision and oversight.

“The Southern Trust is very conscious of the anxiety this report may cause to women. As Medical Director, I apologise on behalf of the Trust for what has happened.

“Today we are issuing personal letters to all of the women potentially affected. The vast majority of women screened by the Southern Trust over this period will be unaffected and therefore if you do not receive a letter from us, your records have not been identified as needing review."