£15k donations to Fields of Life after our Uganda series

Published 10th Nov 2017
Last updated 10th Nov 2017

Northern Ireland charity Fields of Life has received over £15,000 worth of donations after our special series on Uganda.

We teamed up with the organisation as part of the East African Emergency Appeal.

David Gough, FOL International Development Manager, says “people are ringing up and recalling exactly what they heard from the interviews

“Two companies have pledged to raise over 6 thousand pounds each to drill separate wells in Northern Uganda.”

“They will be going in Bidi Bidi and Yumbe district where this crux of the crisis is.”

“Many individuals have been giving donations of up to £50.”

“We have even had individual donations of over £2,000.

All last week we told you the story of how over a million people fled conflict in South Sudan.

We visited the world’s largest refugee settlement, the Bidi Bidi camp, which is home to over 300 thousand people.

Each one of them had a different story to tell, most included violence and suffering in their home country.

One of the biggest pressures facing the region is the lack of clean drinking water.

Villagers in Yumbe district told us how they were suffering from life threatening illnesses because of drinking dirty water.

On the flip side we met a community that had been transformed after a Fields of Life team installed a bore hole and well in their village.

David says, “The money is still coming in even though the interviews stopped last week.

“It is really good to know that we can make a difference.”

“I would like to thank Downtown and Cool FM for their support.`