No. 10 focus again for NI politics

Warning for PM as further talks take place in London

Published 15th Jun 2017

After talks with the DUP, Prime Minister Theresa May, meets Northern Ireland’s other political parties today at Downing Street. Downtown and Cool FM Political Correspondent JORDAN MOATES reports

A week ago, voters were going to the polls and a no one could have predicted the level of interest there would be in Northern Ireland.

It is likely some at today’s meetings will not hold back with their concerns about this deal with the DUP.

Sinn Fein’s Conor Murphy has a warning for the PM.

“The message is you need to stand over the Good Friday Agreement recommit to the spirit of that and ensure that nothing you do in any way undermines our ability to have genuine power-sharing arrangements here in Belfast,” he said.

The Ulster Unionist delegation will led by leader Robin Swann and will include Tom Elliot who recently lost his seat in Fermanagh and South Tyrone

SDLP leader Colum Eastwood says he will use the meeting to aid the process of re-establishing power-sharing here.

Michelle O'Neill and Gerry Adams will be at Downing Street representing Sinn Fein they will urge Theresa May to deliver on existing deals.

Mr Murphy says there are concerns about the DUP’s influence.

“Our experience with unionism going over to negotiate is generally it negotiates on issues of interest to the unionist people – let’s see what comes out of this but reality is that this will be propping up a government which has already taken a billion pounds out of our block grant,” he said

It is not the first time these parties have been invited to Downing Street and judging by how things are going, it might not be the last