Emmerdale spoilers: Things get steamy between Moira Barton and Nate Robinson

Things take a strange turn...

Author: Marianna MansonPublished 17th Jul 2019

Next week on Emmerdale, things take a strange turn when farm hand Nate Robinson and Moira Barton share a passionate kiss.

With Nate convincing Amy Wyatt for push for full custody of Kyle, it's clear he's intent on splitting up Cain's family.

But why?

When Matty Barton is injured during a friendly football match, Pete Barlow is quick to jump to his defence. But the boys from the opposite side, Ste and Jono, want to apologise and invite Matty to join them for a drink after the match.

Are Matty's new friends all they seem to be?

When he finds out that Victoria Sugden is planning to leave Emmerdale without telling him, he's even more hurt. Will she be able to make things up to him before it's too late?

Rishi Sharma's business is in trouble, and he turns to Kim Tate for a loan. She agrees, but is he making a huge mistake?

CHECK OUT Emmerdale spoilers Monday 22nd - Friday 26th July

After yet another tense exchange between Moira and Cain, Nate plants the idea in Amy's head that she should try for full custody of Kyle, since things aren't getting any better at Cain's house.

Oblivious to Nate's vendetta against him, Cain is eager to get back to work on the farm and prove himself to Maira. Amy is dreading speaking to Cain about her plans for custody.

At the farm, it's clear that Nate has Moira rattled, even though she tries her best to act neutral and insists she has no feelings for him.

But later on in the barn, Moira is rebuking Nate for his meddling when he unexpectedly pulls her in for a kiss.

With Cain on his way to the farm ready to make an attempt to make things right with Moira, is he about to walk in on his wife cheating on him?

During a friendly football match with a neighbouring village, Matty is benched when the other team's defender, Jono, knocks into him, launching Pete into protective mode.

Matty's mortified by Pete's involvement, but later on is pleased when Jono and his team mate Ste invite him for drinks at the pub by way of apology.

When Amy lets slip that Victoria is leaving for Cornwall, Matty's hurt that he didn't tell her but slopes off with his new friends to distract himself.

The next day, Matty bumps into Victoria on the street and shames her for shutting him out, ignoring her sincere pleas for forgiveness. Meanwhile Billy and Elliot are desperate to tell Matty what Jono and Ste are saying about him...

Things are not looking good at the factory, as Rishi begins to realise that his business is on the brink of ruin. How will he save the factory?

Rishi arranged to meet Kim at a secret location and asks her for a loan. Kim agrees, promising she will send over the contract that evening.

Receiving Kim's email, Rishi is shocked by the terms of the contract but reassures his family that the business will survive, glossing over his plans for a loan.

After months of sneaking around in secret, Jai tries to convince Laurel to go public with their romance, but she still has reservations.

Matty, Rodney and Ryan decide to go ahead with their business venture but Rodney is behaving oddly. What is he up to?

Now let's remind ourselves of what's happening this week on Emmerdale...

Lydia Hart finally faces up to her painful past, with the support of Sam Dingle.

Determined not to let her leave, Sam promises Lydia that he'll go with her to the site where the remains of her baby were found.

If she faces her past and still wants to leave Emmerdale, he'll let her go. Is Lydia strong enough to go?

And will she stay in town?

Meanwhile, Victoria Sugden's excitement about moving into a new place is dampened when she receives a letter from Wendy Posner demanding a paternity test for the baby.

Wanting to avenge his sister, Robert Sugden makes a deal with Dawn Taylor to trap Lee Posner – but soon realises he's put her in danger. Will Robert and Aaron Dingle be able to reach Dawn in time?

Vanessa Woodfield decides to throw Rhona Goskirk and Pete Barlow a surprise engagement party, but with the pressure on and all eyes on them, will Rhona and Pete be able to keep up their facade – to each other, and themselves.

Emmerdale airs every weeknight at 7pm on ITV, with a second showing on Tuesday nights at 8pm.