Emmerdale spoilers: Maya Stepney plans a 'special' sixteenth birthday for Jacob Gallagher

Things are taking a turn

Published 21st Feb 2019
Last updated 21st Feb 2019

Excited and nervous, Jacob finds himself torn as his relationship with Liv Flaherty progresses in Emmerdale next week. When Liv finds herself alone in the summerhouse with Jacob, she confuses herself as she considers having sex with him.

Tensions are at boiling point between father and daughter Cain and Debbie Dingle. The custody battle for Kyle Dingle rages on, and Faith Dingle is sure she has a chance at sole custody. When Debbie realises what she's done, she is wracked with guilt. Can she make it up to her dad?

Robert Sugden is gutted to miss out on a lucrative haulage deal that could have paid for the surrogacy, but Chas Dingle and Paddy Kirk tell him and Aaron Barton they shouldn't give up.

CHECK OUT Emmerdale spoilers Monday 25th February - Friday 1st of March

Emmerdale spoilers

Tensions between Cain and Debbie hit boiling point, as Cain publicly criticises Debbie's parenting.

Emmerdale spoilers: Maya Stepney plans a 'special' sixteenth birthday for Jacob Gallagher
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Now let's catch up on what's happening this week. Rhona Goskirk is left fighting for her life after Pete Barton crashes the tractor into the barn – with Rhona inside it

Dawn and Ryan Stocks finally go on their first date, but Charity Dingle isn't happy about it. When an old punter of Dawn's shows up at the Woolpack, the afternoon takes a turn for the worse. Later, Dawn is terrified to find he's followed her home. But Dawn puts up a fight and chucks him out of her house – Harriet Finch, who has witnessed the whole thing, is seriously impressed.

Manpreet Jutla is accused of having an affair by Rishi Sharma, but Jai Sharma knows what she's really up to. When Laurel Thomas catches her stealing money from the company, Jai decides it's time to intervene.

Paddy Kirk is furious when he learns that Marlon and Chas Dingle conned him into getting the DNA test.

Emmerdale airs every weeknight at 7pm on ITV, with a second showing on Tuesday nights at 8pm.