Emmerdale spoilers: Lydia Hart faces her past

Sam Dingle supports her

Author: Marianna MansonPublished 10th Jul 2019

Next week on Emmerdale, Lydia Hart finally faces up to her painful past, with the support of Sam Dingle.

Determined not to let her leave, Sam promises Lydia that he'll go with her to the site where the remains of her baby were found.

If she faces her past and still wants to leave Emmerdale, he'll let her go. Is Lydia strong enough to go?

And will she stay in town?

Meanwhile, Victoria Sugden's excitement about moving into a new place is dampened when she receives a letter from Wendy Posner demanding a paternity test for the baby.

Wanting to avenge his sister, Robert Sugden makes a deal with Dawn Taylor to trap Lee Posner – but soon realises he's put her in danger. Will Robert and Aaron Dingle be able to reach Dawn in time?

Vanessa Woodfield decides to throw Rhona Goskirk and Pete Barlow a surprise engagement party, but with the pressure on and all eyes on them, will Rhona and Pete be able to keep up their facade – to each other, and themselves?

CHECK OUT Emmerdale Spoilers Monday 15th - Friday 19th July

Victoria is pleased that her deposit on a rental flat has been accepted but he joy is short lived when she receives a letter from Wendy demanding a paternity test.

Robert's heart breaks for his sister – but when he hears that Dawn is looking to earn some quick money to support Lucas, he offers her £500 to get Lee interested in her.

Dawn trepidatiously accepts the offer – but when Robert tells Aaron his plan, Aaron is furious and tells Robert he's put Dawn in danger.

They head off to try and stop Dawn going through with the plan, but it's too late – Dawn is already flirting up a storm with Lee in the pub, and soon he asks her to go somewhere more quiet...

Knowing that Pete and Rhona aren't getting on particularly well at the moment, Vanessa tells Paddy she's going to throw them a surprise belated engagement party.

Rhona has been feigning excitement to her friends, but in private to Manpreet falters as she contemplates whether it's the right decision.

When Pete makes a grand gesture by getting down on one knee and re-proposing, Rhona responds by leading him upstairs to the bedroom for the best time since the accident.

At the shop the next day, Pete's rumbled when Leyla correctly guesses that he's worrying about whether or not he'll be able to have his own family.

Everyone is enjoying themselves at Vanessa's surprise party, except the guests of honour, who are clearly feeling awkward struggling to maintain the illusion of excitement.

Despite Sam's protests, Lydia is insistent that she still wants to leave Emmerdale. Stepping outside the Woolpack for some air, she secretly orders a taxi.

When Sam realises she's in a taxi about to leave, he refuses to let it pull away and stands in front of the car, blocking it from leaving.

When Sam gets distracted and the taxi is able to move, Lydia instructs him to drive to where the remains of the baby were found – but gets cold feet at the last minute, and instead they drive straight to the train station.

Awaiting Lydia at the train station, Sam offers to accompany her to the site of the burial and tells her that if she faces her past and still wants to leave Emmerdale, he'll let her go.

Elsewhere, a nervous David waits at the doctors for his blood test results, and is even more shaken when Jacob arrives to offer emotional support.

Still recovering from his back injury, Doug is still determined to take back control of the football club from Bear and Bob.

Jai and Laurel are still sneaking around trying to keep their relationship a secret, and are very nearly caught out by Doug.

Suspicious of Liam's whereabouts, Nicole and Bernice decide to go through his briefcase to see if they can find out what he's been up to...

... but are shocked to find a bloody shirt and a scalpel tucked inside. What has Liam been doing? And is he in trouble?

Now let's recap on what's happening this week...

Robert Sugden plans his revenge on rapist Lee Posner as Victoria Sugden prepares to leave for good.

After her ordeal, Victoria wants nothing more than to get away from the village, but Lee's mum Wendy throws a spanner in the works when she shows up and demands to be involved in the baby's life.

She even threatens a custody battle.

Frustrated that Lee and Wendy are forcing Victoria away, Robert vows to get revenge as he follows Lee home and waits outside his house.

Elsewhere, Kerry and Amy Wyatt are at loggerheads when Amy arrives at the pub to find her making a spectacle of herself.

Meanwhile, Moira Barton has heard about Nate Robinson and Amy's upcoming date and warns her away.

With the help of Eric Pollard and Leyla Harding, relations between Jacob and David are finally beginning to thaw, and Debbie Dingle enlists the help of Ryan Stocks to get Matty Barton some help with the ladies.

Emmerdale airs every weeknight at 7pm on ITV, with a second showing on Tuesday nights at 8pm.