Take That to screen London O2 Arena show LIVE in cinemas across the world

See them at your local cinema

Published 12th May 2015

Currently in the midst of their triumphant UK tour, Take That have announced they will be live broadcasting their O2 Arena show on 19th June in cinemas across the world.

Filmed in crystal clear High Definition and with pitch-perfect Surround Sound, the screenings will be your chance to see the acclaimed show on the big screen.

"This is the first time we’ve done something on this scale so it’s going to be a really special night for us,” Take That said.

“It’ll be a really exciting to have so many of our fans from all over the world all together watching the show. We’ll be thinking up some surprises to make it a very memorable occasion for everyone.”

Tickets go on sale from Friday 14th May - head to Takethat.com/livecinema to find your local screening.

Praised by critics the Take That Live 2015 tour is a kaleidoscopic explosion of colour and features dancing jellyfish, beautifully choreographed puppetry, a flying tandem sidecar that soars out over the crowd, a burning globe, pyros, fireworks, indoor rain and much more.

A handful of tickets are still on sale to select shows from Aloud.com right now. CLICK HERE to see Gary, Howard and Mark in the flesh!