One Direction launch campaign to help end poverty and slow climate change

The band will join the likes of Shakira and Sir Richard Branson supporting action/2015.

Published 9th Jul 2015

One Direction have announced an ambitious campaign to end poverty and slow climate change.

Calling on their millions of fans to help them out, the 'action/1D' manifesto encourages people around the world to contribute creative content to help raise awareness of the issues that matter the most to them.

A statement from the band said: "Time and again our fans have shown how creative and powerful they can be when they unite and that's why we want to all join together to speak out and hopefully make a real and lasting change to the world around us."

"Young people really do have the power to help end poverty, tackle inequality and to stop dangerous climate change. Now is the time for us to unite, take action and raise our voices to show that we care about the future of our planet."

The manifesto is part of a wider action/2015 campaign, a global citizens initiative to encourage the world to set the year 2015 as the year the world set the agenda to finally tackle the major issues of our generation.

The focus of action/2015 is to put pressure on world leaders to announce commitment to major steps to dealing with these issues at two key summits later in the year - held in New York in September and Paris in December.

Ben Affleck, Shakira, Sir Richard Branson and Bill Gates are amongst many high-profile names supporting the campaign.

Brendan Cox, Director of Policy and Advocacy at Save the Children, part of action/2015, added: "One Direction is the biggest band in the world and by mobilising the millions of young people in their fanbase they'll shine a light onto the most important issues of our time."

Click here to find out more about how you can get involved with action/1D.

For more info on action/2015 - click here.