Lily Allen Slams Troll Katie Hopkins For Weight Gain Insults

Katie called Lily 'hideous' in a venom-filled interview

Published 5th Feb 2014

Lily Allen has taken to Twitter to slam Katie Hopkins after the self-confessed ‘über troll’ called her “hideous”.

In a spite-filled rant to heat Magazine, Katie said that Lily Allen becoming a mother mainly involved “gaining two stone and looking pretty hideous.”

The notorious mouthpiece then questioned why Lily was in the spotlight, adding: “I guess like Peaches (Geldof) she’s only famous for having a famous dad (Keith Allen).”

Rightfully angered by the comments, Lily posted a series of Tweets hitting out at the former Apprentice star.

She wrote: "KatieHopkins: I am not famous for having a famous dad, I doubt that most of my fan base have a clue who my father is.

"Yes, after tragically loosing a child so late in to mypregnancy I may have gained a few pounds. I am one of many that find comfort in food.

"The two pregnancies that followed were terrifying because of what had happened before and I was pretty much on bed rest for 20 months. I wasn't exercising because I didn't want to take any risks, and funnily enough, the survival of my children felt more important than being thin.

"Can somebody tell me what Katie Hopkins does except go on telly slagging off girls half her age ? Ps Katie looks are obviously so important to you.

"There's always plastic surgery ya know. Maybe they could sew your mouth up while they fix the rest of you. Oh , and whilst "weight me up". Fat shaming , you were a stone out, I gained 3 not 2. And hey, look I'm on the cover of Elle this month !"

Lily later deleted her Tweets saying her outburst gave Katie the publicity she so desperately craved.

She explained: "Sorry about that, but my babies are a touchy subject and I gave her exactly what she wanted by responding. I am now going to delete it all."

If you can stomach it, you can watch the Katie Hopkins celebrity bashing video below.

Lily’s new single ‘Air Balloon’ is released on 2nd March and will be followed by her third studio album later this year.