Jon Bon Jovi shares a special dance with his daughter onstage, to a song that he wrote about her

Who ever said father-daughter dances were only for weddings?

If you've been to one of Jon Bon Jovi's concerts, you may have seen him using home videos of his daughter Stephanie playing as a young girl, during his song 'I've Got The Girl'.

But in a recent performance in Vegas, 23-year-old Stephanie got up onstage with her dad and danced along with him!

This was a particularly special moment, as the musician wrote that song for his daughter about 15 years ago.

"Everybody's got a little girl in their life," the 55-year-old rocker told the audience during his performance.

"Their daughter, their girlfriend, their wife, their mamma – it all goes by so fast. And they start out as little bitty babies and their future's looking bright. And I wrote this song for that little baby, who's now not such a little baby anymore."

At the end of the video, they have a little hug and kiss, in true father-daughter dance style. So lovely!

Watch the video here: