Friends star Courteney Cox to direct new Kodaline video

She's friends with the Irish band

Published 15th Apr 2015

Kodaline have revealed that Friends actress Courteney Cox is directing their next music video.

The anthemic Irish four-piece are currently making huge waves with their single ‘The One’ but have special plans for their next release 'Love Will Set You Free'.

Steve, Vinny, Jason and Mark met Courteney through her fiancé, Snow Patrol star Johnny McDaid, and they immediately hatched plans for her directorial debut.


Singer Steve said: "We met Courteney through Johnny when we recorded our album in L.A. and she is really lovely and down to earth... Because Friends is so famous we struggled not to hum the theme tune around her or call her Monica by mistake."

"She suggested directing a video for us and filming it and we were like 'yeah cool'. It's pretty random but we're excited about the shoot in a few weeks. We're shooting it at her house which is a beautiful gaff (home) with its own beach by the sea."

You can check out the video for ‘The One’ right here: