Beyoncé Pulled Off Stage by Fan at Brazil Gig - VIDEO

Fortunately security manage to rescue the pop superstar

Published 16th Sep 2013

Beyoncé was almost pulled off stage by a crazed fan in Brazil last night (15th September).

Midway through her performance of ‘Irreplaceable’ at Sao Paulo's Morumbi Stadium, Beyoncé strutted out onto the smaller Bey Stage to greet the crowd when a shirtless man jumped up and grappled her.

Fortunately, security rushed to the stage and rescued Beyoncé before, ever the consummate professional, she continued with the song.

Watch a video of the incident below.

Back in July, Beyoncé hit the headlines when she ran into trouble with a different type of fan.

Beyoncé was singing set closer ‘Halo’ at Montreal’s Bell Center last night when her hair got caught in a fan at the front of the stage. After a minute or so of embarrassment she was eventually freed.

CLICK HERE to see 10 Painful Pop Gig Mishaps featuring Lady Gaga, One Direction, Justin Bieber, Rihanna and, of course, Beyoncé.

Beyoncé attacked in Brazil