Woman sues Ellen DeGeneres for joke about her name

The lawsuit says the woman was ridiculed

Published 7th Jun 2016

Ellen DeGeneres is being sued by Titi Pierce after the host made a 'boob' joke about her name.

On The Ellen DeGeneres Show a segment titled 'What's Wrong With These Ads.... and These Signs?' featured a picture of the woman’s real estate sign which revealed her name ‘Titi Pierce’. When Ellen pronounced it 'Titty' the audience laughed.

According to the woman's lawsuit, her name is actually pronounced ‘Tee Tee’ and is Nigerian, meaning ‘flower'.

It’s reported that although her mobile number on the advert was initially blurred for the show, a repeat shown in April showed her number which led to 'ridiculing and harassing' phone calls.

Her lawsuit is filed against Warner Brothers Entertainment, which is the parent company of Ellen's show, and says the company defamed her, inflicted distress and invaded her privacy.

The 35-year-old is said to be seeking damages and asking for the segment to not be aired again.

The talk show has been running since 2003 and has won more than thirty awards.

Ellen recently voiced the character of Dory in the Finding Nemo sequel, Finding Dory, which is due to be released on 29th July.

See the trailer below.