WATCH: These sisters are literally identical to Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner


Published 8th Aug 2017
Last updated 8th Aug 2017

We often imagine what our lives would be like if we were a part of the Kardashian/Jenner tribe. We've watched far too many YouTube videos and spent far too much money on contour kits than we'd care to admit in an effort to morph into Kim K. But we'd probably draw the line at undergoing cosmetic surgery to become an actual Kardashian clone.

Which is reportedly what these Instagram famous sisters have done.

Everyone is going crazy of the absolutely uncanny resemblance Sonia and Fyza Ali bear to Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner.


And here they are again, just proving human cloning is 100% a thing.

We genuinely can't get over it.

Aside from being Kim and Kylie's genuine, biologically identical twins (not actually), sisters Sonia and Fyza are beauty and lifestyle bloggers living in Dubai and Kuwait.

According to, the Twittersphere is claiming the sister have 'undergone extensive surgery to look like the Kardashian sisters.'

One Twitter user even posted a collage of alleged before and after pictures.

We can't get over it!

Originally on Heatworld.