WATCH: All the saddest movie moments in one video

Pass the tissues!

Published 7th Jun 2016

An edited video is circulating the internet showing super sad moments from all our favourite films, including Titanic, Marley and Me and THAT sad Toy Story 3 scene.

We’re not quite sure why it’s been created, but you would have to be made of stone not to cry at these classics, which also include Armageddon, Up, Bambi and The Green Mile.

It was put together by Andy Schneider and Jonathan Britnell from Burger Fiction, a website that makes videos about movies.

Now, we all love a good cry but this is ten minutes full of eye-watering clips, showing the moments where E.T says goodbye, Carl Fredricksen loses his wife in Up and of course the heart-wrenching moment Simba tries to wake up dad Mufassa who’s passed away.

Warning: You might need at least three boxes of tissues at the ready. For more heartbreaking moments read our list of movie deaths that made us cry.[