WATCH: Jennifer Lawrence sings Cher's Believe on talk show Conan!

She puts her all into the spine-tingling performance

Published 10th Jul 2015

As if we couldn’t love Jennifer Lawrence more, the actress has excelled herself by singing Cher’s heavily vocodered smash Believe on US chat show Conan!

24-year-old JLaw guested on the late night talk show with co-stars Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth to promote their upcoming movie The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2.

US TV legend Conan asked Jennifer performing the vocals on ballad ‘The Hanging Tree’ from Mockingjay: Part 1, however, she was very keen to downplay her singing abilities.


"First of all, if I had gone ( makes fart noise) 'Hunger Games!', it would have reached number one," she joked.

"That singing in front of people is my biggest fear in the entire world."

Egged on by Liam and Josh, Jennifer went on to admit that she does like to sing Cher’s ‘Believe’, before breaking into a breathtaking rendition of the track to huge cheers from the studio audience!

Watch the glorious moment right here:

In other Hunger Games: Mockinjay Part 2 news, a brand spanking new trailer has premiered this morning.

The dramatic one-minute clip, which has parallels to Janet Jackson’s video ‘Rhythm Nation 1814’, shows Katniss Everdeen (played by Jennifer) come into full power while flanked by hundreds of District 13 troops.

Also starring Julianne Moore, the late Philip Seymour Hoffman, Sam Claflin, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Banks, Stanley Tucci and Donald Sutherland, The Hunger Games: Mockinjay Part 2 hits cinemas on 19th November.