WATCH: Ice-skater finds innovative way to rescue wild boar from ice

A group of Swedish ice-skaters came across four stranded wild boar.

Published 26th Feb 2016

A group of Swedish ice-skaters were on a tour of Baven Lake in Sweden when they came across four stranded wild boar.

Scattered 100 metres apart the boar were in obvious need of help as the video shows one struggling to stay upright on the slippery ice.

"They behaved like Bambi on slippery ice" said Jakob König who filmed the event.

"I saw them from afar," he told the Swedish publication Natursidan, "they looked like four black bags that were out on the bay".

"When we got close to one of them he hissed and spat and tried to lunge at us," Jakob said, "but it had no foothold on the ice."

Credit: Vimeo/Djake

Wild boar are notoriously aggressive, so the skaters came up with an ingenious way to get them to safety.

Using their poles they gently pushed the wild boar across the ice in a style of a curling player sliding a stone towards the target.

After some time all of the wild boar were safely on dry land and the tour could continue.

Watch the video of the rescue above.